Sunday 12 April 2015

Bleeding time

Bleeding time

Determination of bleeding time helps to detect vascular defect and platelet disorder. Prolonged bleeding time is generally associated with thrombocytopenia. In case of von Willebrand's disease bleeding time is high with a normal platelet count. It is caused by a platelet defect with factor VII deficiency. Determination of bleeding time is of great value in suspected haemorrhagic cases and also before surgical operations.

Name of the Method.

Duke's method.


Blood collected by earlobe or finger puncture.

Normal range

1 - 5 minutes


  1. Stop watch
  2. Spirit or alcohol
  3. Filter paper
  4. Sterile lancet 


  • Clean the dorsal area of finger or earlobe with spirit and allow it to dry.
  • Prick with sterilized lancet fairly deep so that blood flows freely without squeezing.
  • After 30 seconds collect the drop of blood at one corner of the filter paper. Do not touch the skin with the filter paper.Repeat these procedure every 30 seconds until the bleeding stopped.
  • When bleeding ceases, stop the stop watch,
  • Note the time on the watch.